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 Feng Shui Palmistry Four Pillars

*Fortune Card Reading Module I (6 Places 12 Palaces)

*Fortune Card Reading Module II (4 Auspicious 4 Inauspicious)

*Fortune Card Reading Advanced Module (Both techniques included)

Fortune Card Reading Courses

Module I (Six Places Twelve Palaces, 六位十二宫)

Fortune Card Reading using Six Places Twelve Palaces

Fortune Card Reading Class 110

Fortune Card Class 111

Fortune Card Divination on Wealth
In this module, you will learn how to use a simple set of poker cards to do simple divination on various questions like wealth, career, relationship, Feng Shui of a place and what number to purchase for 4D (should you be buying your house number, identity number, car plate number, phone number, spouse number, etc.)
In this simple and fun session, you will also learn the trade secrets of some fortune tellers. This system does not require prior knowledge on any other form of divination methods. It is easy to learn and apply immediately after you have learned it. You will be amazed at how accurate these readings can be when you start using it.

Topics covered:

What others commented about the course:

Next scheduled course:
Venue : 80 Changi Road, Centropod, #04-12
Date : 1.5 days(or three evenings) To be advised
Time : 9am - 6pm (or 7.30 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.)
Course fees : Only $580 (Normally $880)
*Fees include course materials

Private small group tuition also available (1.5 days)

Private 1 on 1 tuition at $980 (1.5 days)


Module II (Four Auspicious Four Inauspicious,四吉四凶)

Fortune Card Reading using Four Auspicious Four Inauspicious Fortune Card Reading using Four Auspicious Four Inauspicious II Poker cards reading doing comparision


Course details:
Fortune Card Divination (Module 2, 4 Auspicious & 4 Inauspicious method)
In this module, you will learn how to use different layout of poker cards to directly answer questions. Type of questions can be for comparing two or more options, object, person, situation, etc. You can also use this technique to know the possible outcome of an event and even predict the weather accurately.

Topics covered:

Next scheduled course:
Venue : 80 Changi Road, Centropod, #04-12
Date : 1.5 days or 3 evenings (To be advised)
Time : 9am - 6pm or 7.30 pm - 10:00 pm
Course fees : $580 (Normally $880)

Private small group tuition also available (1.5 days)

Private 1 on 1 tuition at $980 (1.5 days)

*Fees include course materials


Advance Module (Both techniques combined)

Fortune Card Reading using Six Places Twelve Palaces Fortune Card Reading using Four Auspicious Four Inauspicious II Poker cards reading doing comparision


Course details:
Fortune Card Divination (Advanced module with deeper analysis)
In this module, you will learn how to break the rules that you have learned previously. Also how to look out for patterns and do a deeper analysis of the situation. You will also be taught on how to split the cards into different time periods and analysis of sickness.

Topics covered:

  • Quick revision on 6 places 12 palaces
  • Sample case studies based on basic theory
  • Advanced theory on 6 Places 12 Palaces
    • Using the cards to analyse a person you have never met
    • Additional readings on surrounding cards (using only 9 cards to read a factor)
    • Analysis of sickness
    • Is my potential partner near me? When will I meet him?
    • Additional usage of the four external cards
    • Looking for a pattern to read
    • Quick reading based on the four Aces
    • Analysis of the Fortune Palace
    • Extended meaning of the palaces (advance)
    • Other layout of the cards using the same theory
    • Seeing spiritual paths in a house (where do they move to)
    • Breaking the rules of the reading
    • Alternative meanings of the cards in different situation
  • Advanced theory on 4 Auspicious 4 Inauspicious
    • Quick Revision on 4 Auspicious 4 Inauspicious
    • Relationship of the Object and Subject
    • Internal versus External
    • Close versus Far
    • Gua is good, but object is controlling subject,
    • Gua is good, but subject is controlling object
    • When is the event happening?
    • Reading more into the subject and object relationship
    • Determining the strength of each cards (subject and object)
  • More sample readings for all and exercises


Allocated time: 2 full days

Next scheduled course:
Venue : 80 Changi Road, Centropod, #04-12
Date : Two full day (To be advised)
Time : 9am - 10pm
Course fees : $980

Private small group tuition also available

Private 1 on 1 tuition at $1480 (2 full days)

*Fees include course materials


The True Secrets of Palmistry

Checkout Master Chuan's new Palmistry ebook

"The True Secrets of Palmistry"


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chuanonline, chuan, Auspicious date, good wedding date, auspicious wedding date, select wedding date, auspicious day, auspicious, wedding date selection, auspicious date for ROM, four pillar analysis, four pillar, Ba zi, bazi, palmistry lesson, palmistry basics, palm reading lesson, palm reading course, palmistry Singapore, palm reading Singapore, palm reader Singapore, palmist Singapore, fengshui master Singapore, feng shui master Singapore, recommended feng shui master, recommended fengshui master, singapore, feng shui, flying star, chinese, master, palmistry course, hand lines, environment, yin yang, five elements, divination, wealth, health, relationships, children, child, improve life, improve studies, love, studies, palmistry, hands, palm reading, lines, palm, fate, relationship, future telling, heart line, love line, wisdom, hand, line of life, New Age, forecasts, consultant, chiromancy, cheiromancy, cheirology, chirology, child psychology, children psychology, children 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environment, yin yang, five elements, divination, wealth, health, relationships, children, child, improve life, improve studies, love, studies, palmistry, hands, palm reading, lines, palm, fate, relationship, future telling, heart line, love line, wisdom, hand, line of life, New Age, forecasts, consultant, chiromancy, cheiromancy, cheirology, chirology, child psychology, children psychology, children development, earth, metal, water, wood, fire, chuan, fengshui, fengshui course, feng shui course, fortune telling, accurate, good palmist, head line, heart line, fate line, health line, predict health, prediction, free, change life, healing, curing, chinese medicine, free palmistry, free palm reading, free ebook, learn palmistry, learn free palmistry, learn free palm reading, learn palm reading, master Chuan, chuanonline, chuan, Auspicious date, good wedding date, auspicious wedding date, select wedding date, auspicious day, auspicious, wedding date selection, auspicious date for ROM, four pillar analysis, four pillar, Ba zi, bazi, palmistry lesson, palmistry basics, palm reading lesson, palm reading course, palmistry Singapore, palm reading Singapore, palm reader Singapore, palmist Singapore, fengshui master Singapore, feng shui master Singapore, recommended feng shui master, recommended fengshui master, singapore, feng shui, flying star, chinese, master, palmistry course, hand lines, environment, yin yang, five elements, divination, wealth, health, relationships, children, child, improve life, improve studies, love, studies, palmistry, hands, palm reading, lines, palm, fate, relationship, future telling, heart line, love line, wisdom, hand, line of life, New Age, forecasts, consultant, chiromancy, cheiromancy, cheirology, chirology, child psychology, children psychology, children development, earth, metal, water, wood, fire, chuan, fengshui, fengshui course, feng shui course, fortune telling, accurate, good palmist, head line, heart line, fate line, health line, 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